2021 | 北京 | 私宅
空庭 私人庭院


Empty · Private Garden

The project is part of a private residence. The architecture divides the courtyard into an atrium and a circular corridor area. The corridor connects with the community road, and the atrium is enclosed by buildings. Based on the function and moving line, the designer drew out the order of the courtyard space in the courtyard wall. Through the experience you will know the whole picture of the garden. The courtyard well balances the various qualities of the site and complements the architecture. It changes constantly with the time  ticking and the unique style of each season, connecting people with nature.
项目名称 | 空庭
项目位置 | 北京
项目面积 | 约640㎡
设计团队 | 七月合作社
团队成员 | 康恒、沈博、苏扬、郭舒童、孙伟
工作内容 | 概念设计、深化图纸设计、设计监理
竣工时间 | 2021.07
室内设计 | 朱周设计
项目摄影 | 陈颢

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