The new landmark architectural complex of Hangzhou, Guanyun Qiantang, is located on the Olympic Sports Center on the south bank of the Yangtze River, forming a new generation of urban skyline with landmarks such as Lotus Bowl and Hangzhou Gate. The Guiyu Mountain House Landscape Project is located in one of the two podium buildings, with the site floor located on the 3rd floor. From the steep terrain in the north, the gentle scenery in the south, to the abstract natural landscape of Hangzhou, gradually unfolds with the movement of people. From concrete cliffs to abstract tea fields, it continuously surrounds the exterior of the entire restaurant. The courtyard hopes to discuss the coexistence of elements in the overall form by creating a continuous and different atmosphere, exploring modern urban landscape courtyards through different forms of nature, artificial, sculpture, and abstract descriptions.
项目名称 | 桂语山房
项目位置 | 杭州观云钱塘3F餐厅
项目面积 | 约915㎡
设计团队 | 七月合作社
团队成员 | 康恒、孙伟、胡晓楠、叶钊、张玲、郭舒童、郑海立、楼嘉斌、陈翊裴、汪旭婷
工作内容 | 概念设计、深化图纸设计、设计监理
竣工时间 | 2023.10
项目摄影 | 苏圣亮
花艺 | 娜雅